Saturday, January 09, 2021

Silly Is a Slippery Slope

Columbus’ sailing mates were afraid they would fall off the end of the Earth. Our House of Representatives has just gone over the Edge of Goofiness and is disappearing below the Ooze of Absurdity.

He, She, Father and Mother and such terms will no longer be welcome in the 117th Congress if new changes to their House Rules are approved.

Our new Congress is determined to go Gender Neutral and, in its blind determination to get there, it appears to be equally determined to take Foolishness and Silliness and to massage it into Illogical Nonsense.

Here is an excerpt from the newly proposed Rules of the House of Representatives... 

“In clause 8(c)(3) of rule XXIII, strike ‘father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, first cousin, nephew, niece, husband, wife, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in- law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother, stepsister, half brother, half sister, grandson, or granddaughter’ and insert ‘parent, child, sibling, parent’s sibling, first cousin, sibling’s child, spouse, parent-in-law, child-in-law, sibling-in-law, stepparent, stepchild, stepsibling, half-sibling, or grandchild’”.


We don’t have Statesmen in Congress any longer. We have Politicians who stand up and say, “Let’s go to happy hour!”

A Statesman would make like Peter Finch from the 1976 movie Network and stand up and shout, “I'm Mad as Hell and I'm Not Gonna Take This Anymore!”


Fella believes this Gender Neutral Quest is Senseless and he proposes a simple solution...Just Say No!

Ø No...I am not going to pay any attention to this dictate from whoever created this unnecessary complicated silliness.

Ø No...I will not do this because it unnecessarily complicates the world we live in.

Ø No...I will not do this because the people I am trying to communicate with will not know what the heck I am saying.


My Mother and Father were My Mother and Father and no amount of craziness from the U.S. House of Representative is going to make me think that they would not have wanted to be called Mother and Father and worse yet, if I did call them Mother and Father, I was actually doing something wrong!

How long will it be before we will be explaining to our confused Former Mother...

“Please don’t be difficult! You have to learn to change with the times. As much as you would like to be called a Mother, we can’t ever go back up the Silly Slope. I can see that you are hurt but hurt is no longer important. I’ll compromise with you but this is my final offer. I will consent to calling you “Parent Who Looks Like A Woman” but don’t tell anybody I did this or I will stop coming over on your birthday and singing that Silly Happy Birthday Song that you love so much!”

Would I kid u?





Anonymous said...

Fella, I am inserting my email to my small faith group today pointing to your blog and, as always, letting you know I did. Hope you and your family are well.

It is time to be frightened! This is from a friend of mine. Peace, if you can find it in these troubling times. We pay congress to create this drivel. (Yes the small 'c' is deliberate).

Here is the link to his blog...

Don't let the darkness around you steal your peace and joy.

SmartFella? said...

The link to the particular blog Mr. Anonymous refers you to is...
You might have to highlight the link & copy & paste it.