Sunday, November 22, 2020

The NFL Is Leading the Way...Or is it?

I can’t believe how uncaring the players in the NFL are considering the dire circumstances the Good Ole USofA is in during this dire situation as we try to cope with this dire pandemic that is causing us all to feel so dire.

What am I talking about? Oh, I thought everyone knew how uncaring the New Orleans Saints were when they uncaringly celebrated after a big victory (38 to 3) over the league-leading Buccaneers on 11/8/20.

They actually celebrated in their locker room after this emotional victory without their Face Masks on! Can you believe it? The NFL’s Imitation Leadership could not believe it and they are eventually going to fine the Saints a bunch of money after they finish throwing darts at the Official NFL Fine Invocation Dart Board. These are fines the NFL will certainly give to charity...Or will they?


As I mentioned above the celebration happened after the 11/8/20 victory. The Saints have not been fined yet but, as of 11/22/20, these article headlines are still on the Internet...

Ø Report: Saints 'Facing Significant Discipline' for Celebration Videos Amid COVID

Ø Report: Saints face discipline for not wearing masks while celebrating after beating Buccaneers

Ø Report: NFL considering 'significant discipline' for Saints after postgame celebration


The NFL is leading the way with their Admirable Stance against the Coronavirus/Wuhan Virus/Chinese Flu/ Novel Coronavirus/COVID-19/CCP (Chinese Communist Party) Virus/SARS-CoV-2 Virus/Flu/Pandemic!

I think the NFL is benefiting because of 2 things...

Ø A slick Public Relations Department

Ø A Gullible Country with a Short Memory

The NFL refused to react in any coherent way while the League and the Country were torn apart by the Kneeling during the National Anthem to Show Disrespect for the Country and for the Military Craziness was going on and on and on.

Then we saw the message change to We Are Not Showing Disrespect for the Country and for the Military Craziness by kneeling during the National Anthem we just happened to always Kneel during the National Anthem by Accident.

Originally the League quietly whispered, “Maybe you guys should not do the kneeling stuff”. Now the league has Apologized to the Kneelers and is running a series of videos called Salute to the Military and the too much of America is seeing the videos and saying, “Ain’t that nice of the NFL to do that?!”


Back to the fining by the league for not following Coronavirus/Wuhan Virus/Chinese Flu/ Novel Coronavirus/COVID-19/CCP (Chinese Communist Party) Virus/SARS-CoV-2 Virus/Flu/Pandemic Guidelines.

Has anyone but me noticed players are in violation if they do not wear a mask in the locker room after playing a 3 hours game while these kinds of things are happening?...

Ø On the sidelines during the game only a few coaches are wearing masks (the ones the camera will be on during the game).

Ø The players on the field are not wearing masks while they...
>Collide with each other (at close range).
>Shout at each other (while inches apart).
>Don’t wear masks on the sidelines when not in the game.
>After the game the players walk around the field and hug each other (at close range).
>After the game the players walk around the field and congratulate each other (while their mouths are inches apart).

They have to get so close because they can’t hear each other say nice things to each other because the NFL still has the recording blasting away of a cheering crowd from the days when a cheering crowd was allowed inside the stadium to cheer.

Regarding the blasting away comment above, truthfully I am not sure if it is a Cheering Crowd or a Rap Ode to Colin Kaepernick entitled, “Colin, We Love You”.


I got a fix for the NFL to consider...

The players should be required to Shout at Each Other and, most of all, Tackle Each Other From 6 Feet Away until this Dire Situation is behind us.

If the NFL adopts this logical rule change, we will all be convinced that the NFL is taking the Coronavirus/Wuhan Virus/Chinese Flu/ Novel Coronavirus/COVID-19/CCP (Chinese Communist Party) Virus/SARS-CoV-2 Virus/Flu/Pandemic Seriously.

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: I have some very important advice for Saints Head Coach Sean Payton that I know he will appreciate...Or will he? I read this on the Internet (so you know it is true), “Saints coach Sean Payton joined his players for a brief celebration before showering and changing minutes after the game.” My advice is, Payton should never interact with his players after a game. He should never even look them in the eye. If he is approached by a player, he should say, “I don’t like you. Go away from me.” That ought to make the League Happy...Or will it?


Anonymous said...

The only NFL I watch these days are the Saints’ games. Note that you don’t hear the opening ceremonies (with National anthem) isn’t televised any more.

Happy Thanksgiving (or is it??) – thanks for college football – if I watch any of it!!

Anonymous said...

So, I have just wasted another perfectly good 20 minutes catching up with Foolishness, forgetting totally about my dire, dire straits— laughing loudly to myself and causing dire chest pains. Have I contracted Wuhan, Chinese whadayacallit? Why do you do this to me? Don’t you know I’m ticklish and my immune system weak?

Enjoy your Hairy, Scary Thanksgiving! Or, shave before dinner and kiss your wife Hello.