Thursday, October 22, 2020

What This Election Has Taught Me

The TV Commercials are bombarding us day and night. I sure appreciate the Factual Information they give me to allow me to understand the Issues and know the Candidates...Or do I?

TV is especially good because it is visual and you don’t need the sound on to know who Not To Vote For. Don’t vote for the candidate whose image appears in Black and White.

The Good Guy’s (the one paying for the commercial) image is always in Living Color.

As I get on in years I appreciate more and more the efforts of others to make things easy for me.

Would I kid u?



Loyd said...

Alex, I know how you feel. I just learned from two flyers in today's mail that the woman I voted for last week is a "dangerous, radical extremist" who "supported taxpayer loans to China that may be used to support China's spy programs." Wish I'd known!

Ludwig said...

Just a few more days and those commercials will be gone. Not to return until a week or so later in preparation of the next election season. Oh, how I yearn for "truth in advertising" to apply to political ads - it would be the end them. Maybe the losing candidates can get a new career in ESP. After all, they have been telling us what their opponents have been thinking all along. Rarely do they ever reveal what they themselves are thinking.