Wednesday, October 14, 2020

If You See A Crime Being Committed, What Are You Supposed To Do?

Homeland Security keeps telling us...

If You See Something, Say Something!

I read in my newspaper where a seeing citizen repeatedly called 911 to report cocaine trafficking in his neighborhood.

Officials found no cocaine activity.

This seeing citizen was put in jail for making False Crime Claims. Officials said he was guilty of multiple counts of False Reporting of a Crime.

After they locked the door to his cell he probably kept saying to himself with a dazed look on his face...

They Told Me To Say Something!

Would they kid us?



Anonymous said...

Makes no sense either the cops are covering for a dealer or the guy is a nut and if so should not be in jail but somewhere getting some help.

Anonymous said...

How is weird is that!!!🙁🙁🙁