Monday, September 07, 2020

If You Are Insane, I Have A Deal For You!

I’ll start off this venture into Foolishness by asking you two questions...

First Question: When was the last time you heard a commercial trying to Sell You a Timeshare?
Answer from You: Such commercials must be against the law because I can’t remember the last time I heard one of those commercials on Radio or TV.

Second Question: When was the last time you heard a commercial telling you how the Company That paid for the Commercial could Get You Out of a Timeshare?
Answer from You: That’s easy. It was the last time I listened to my Radio or watched my TV. Actually they sounded so confident that they could get rid of my awful Timeshare that it made me wish I owned one so they could get rid of it for me and save me a lot of money and aggravation.

These commercials paint a very dark picture of Timeshare Ownership...

  • More headache than paradise
  • Expensive to keep up
  • Difficult to exchange
  • Impossible to sell
  • Rising maintenance fees
  • Timeshares are not assets
  • Never increase in value


Based on all the bad publicity, it is a wonder any new Timeshares are being sold in the Good Ole USofA.

I am one to let my mind wander and, while listening to one of these Get You Out Commercials my mind wandered into thinking...

A person has to be really insane to buy a Timeshare. I bet as soon as new Timeshare Buyers walk out of the sales office they are met by men in white coats who throw nets over them, put them in Strait Jackets and take them to the Loony Bin.


However, all of the above has made Door To Door Timeshare Sales Prospecting a lot more efficient...

Ø The Salesman knocks on the door of an American Person.

Ø The American Person opens the door.

Ø The Salesman asks the American Person, “Do you own a Timeshare?

Ø If the American Person says, “Yes I do”, the Salesman does not have to waste any more time but he quickly turns around and goes to the next house.

Ø When the Salesman comes across an American Person who answers, “No I don’t own a Timeshare”, the Salesman then asks the American Person, “Are you insane?”

Ø If the American Person says, “No, I’m not insane”, the Salesman again quickly turns around and goes to the next house and the Qualifying Process is again repeated.

Ø When the Salesman comes across an American Person who answers, “Yes, I am insane”, he takes out his Timeshare Purchase Contract and says, “Sign here”.

Certainly some of my Dear Readers are Timeshare Owners and they just became offended and are thinking about not reading my Blog ever again.

I ask those Dear Readers to keep reading my Foolishness. It’s not my fault you are Nuts.

Would I kid u?




Jeff Grider said...

It makes one wonder where all those Timeshares are going that companies
are helping you get rid of.

Ken Burrows said...

Las Vegas is famous for selling timeshares!