Sunday, August 16, 2020

This Is Getting Ridiculous!

On more than one occasion I have published the Blog Posting below. It tells a frightening story about how bad our 9% Approval Rated Congress is with regard to Understanding Arithmetic...

Too Many Members of Congress Can’t Handle Basic Arithmetic

This may seem elementary to those of you who have gone through the 5th grade.

Lots of numbers are being thrown around our 9% Approval Rating Congress these days. I watched in amazement recently on CSPAN as one of our elected "leaders" said the following …

"My good friend from across the aisle has just voiced strong opposition to my proposal to spend $10 Billion to convert all states that are using Paper Ballots to Electronic Voting Machines and to convert all states who are using Electronic Voting Machines to Paper Ballots. I continue to be amazed at the short sightedness of the Opposition Party and their ongoing inability to handle basic arithmetic with regard to a mere $10 Billion price tag."

"I am sure that the folks back home have no problem with spending $10 Billion for such a worthy project. They understand that 10 is not a big number. 11 is bigger than 10 and so is 12. If I were asking for 18, that ought to give pause to the taxpayers as to how their money is being spent but 10 is only 10.  It is hardly more than 9."

"Beam me up Lord. I can no longer stand being around these penny-pinchers who are not smarter than a 5th grader."

Ok, I admit I made up all of the above…Or did I?

Would I kid u?



Today my sources are telling me it is a lot worse than I ever imagined. It seems that Members of Congress are particularly unable to comprehend percentages and this lack of comprehension on their part is going to cost us all dearly.

This back and forth took place yesterday between Senator Foghorn Leghorn and Senator Yosemite Sam.


       Senator Foghorn Leghorn (SFL)...If I understand you right, My Good Friend Yosemite, you are saying that the Folks Back Home are very much in favor of your Gigantic Tax Increase. You are using percentages to support your proposal. I am ill at ease with your use of percentages because you know full well that all of your fellow good friend Senators have always had problems understanding percentages. I do trust you, My Good Friend, but please explain.

·        Senator Yosemite Sam (SYS)...Yes siree bob! You’re darn tootin! The folks back home are dying for a Gigantic Increase in their Taxes! Bear with me, My Good Friend, I’ll explain it to you. Have I ever lied to you before?

·        SFL...I can’t say with certainty you have lied but it does seem, when I started to suspect in the past that you might be about to lie to me, you always start using percentages.

·        SYS...Why, My Good Friend, you got me this time. I do do that instinctively but, to be honest with you, I don’t understand percentages either. I do know this, percentage usage has gotten more legislation passed in Congress than has bribery and that’s saying a lot!

·        SYS...Here is the proof that the folks back home are asking for a Gigantic Tax Increase that my crack team of obfuscators have come up with...
>.47% of that the Folks Back Home are very much in favor of my Gigantic Tax Increase.
>I know I have probably lost you already because you see that percent sign after that .47 and there may be a chance that you are thinking to yourself, “Self, that does not sound like a lot of folks”.
>If I understood what I was talking about, it might not sound like a lot to me either but bear with me because my crack team of obfuscators has worked very hard on this obfuscation.
>Further analysis has shown that .97% of this .47%, are not only in favor of a Gigantic Tax Increase, but they are wanting the Gigantic Tax Increase to be retroactive to last January 1.
>I really don’t see the need to explain further. I am fairly certain that 97% is almost 100% and, I also think, 100% is all of the living folks back home and fair portion of the deceased voters who will be going to the polling places in the upcoming election.


There you have it. This is proof that we all want to be taxed up the wazoo. Even if you have trouble with percentages, we can all agree that 97 out of 100 is a strong mandate for anything.

Senator Yosemite Sam has earned a well deserved reputation as a strong debater. Some say it is because of his liberal use of language that included lots of “Yes siree bobs!” and “You’re darn tootins!” and “You long eared galoot!” and “I’ll give you a taste of leather!” and “You just yupped yourself into a hole in the head!” and “Oooooo! I’ll blast your head off for this!” and “You forced me to use force”, his shouting all the time and his ever present 2 six-shooters but I disagree. I think, while he may say that percentages confuse him, he is an Accomplished Master of Percentages and creating Glazed Over Looks in the eyes of his Good Friends in the Senate when he starts throwing around those Percent Signs.

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: One thing for sure you'll never see Yosemite Sam in a Safe Place.

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