Friday, July 17, 2020

Additions to the Equipment List for a Georgia Traffic Policemen

Each year new laws are cobbled together by our Georgia Legislature. If we were paying any attention to what our Legislature has been doing we would start Recalls Petitions for many members of our Legislature to remove them from office because of what they have been cobbling together.

We never pay any attention so we don’t start any Recall Petitions and the Legislature keeps on keeping on having its way with us.

This may be changing. We used to have Football Season to distract us but it is quite possible Football Season may have been recalled this year because of the FauciVirus. This may be the year to clean our legislative house...Or is it?


There are always some interesting new laws passed to "protect" us from us. Here is a good example of a new law that is going to be ignored by all of us.

Here is a list of items that a Traffic Policeman must now carry on his person:

Ø Gun

Ø Handcuffs

Ø Money for donuts

Ø Pepper spray

Ø A Taser Gun

Ø A Bathroom Scale

Ø A Tape Measure

What is that you just said? You did not expect the Bathroom Scale and Tape Measure to be on the list. If so, that shows how far you are out of touch with our forward “thinking” Georgia Legislators.

In their infinite “wisdom”, our Legislators have decided that, in order to protect Our Children, we needed a modification to our Already Existing Law that requires Booster Seats for Our Children. 

In the future Children are required to sit in a Booster Chair up until the age of six, with the exception of those Children who weigh more than 40 pounds and/or who are taller than 4 feet 9 inches tall.

Yes, my dear readers, Georgia Traffic Policemen are going to be stopping cars and Weighing and Measuring the Height of our Children!

What is that you just said? Did I hear you say the Policemen will not be stopping and weighing and measuring? Did I hear you say this law is Unenforceable? I agree with you and that also means it is a Waste of Time.

Could it possibly be that Our Legislators are passing laws just to make us think they are doing something important when they are not doing anything of importance? Is that the same as doing nothing?

Would I kid u?


Lagniappe: What is that you just said? Did you just say the law is intended to be enforced by the parents? If that is so, are we going to be putting the parents in jail for Dereliction of Duty, if they do not enforce our Waste of Time Law?

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