Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Maneuvering Through the Age of Corona

Yogi Bear Was Smarter Than The Average Bear but The Jury Is Still Out On Costco

Costco is limiting certain items to one per customer...Or is it?

Today I found Clorox Wipes in a temporary display in the middle of an aisle. The sign read, “One per Customer”. I have always been One so I took One.

As I walked away from the display I noticed a shopper approaching the display that was about to be Smarter than I am. This Smart Shopper was followed by an older lady pushing her own cart. The older lady looked to be the Smart Lady’s mother.

The Smart Lady put the Clorox Wipes in her cart and then put a second Clorox Wipes in her mother’s cart.

I’m glad I’m not as Smart as these two Smart Shoppers.


Costco is trying to Outsmart some of its many Smart Shoppers.

Certain items are in short supply but not yet to the point where they are being limited to One per Customer. Some Smart Customers are foreseeing the future shortage in these items and buying a whole lot of these Going to Be In Short Supply Items. Actually they are not so much seeing the future shortage as they are creating the future shortage by buying huge quantities before the future comes.

Costco is trying their best to stay Smarter on these Smart Shoppers. They have invented a sign that reads, “This Item Is Not Eligible for Return”.

This means that, when the Age of Corona is behind us, these Smart Shoppers who bought 20 cases of the Going to Be In Short Supply Items will not be at the Costco Customer Service Counter getting their money back on 19 cases of the Going to Be In Short Supply Items.

Is Costco going to prove to be Smarter? I think there is a good chance Costco will not prove to be Smart enough.

As you know from reading my Blog Postings over these many years, I really can see into the future. Sad to say I see a Lawyer standing next to the Smart Shopper returning the 19 cases. The Lawyer is poking holes in the air with his poking hand and the Costco Customer Service Lady is starting to cry.

Would I kid u?




Anonymous said...

Hope you are right about having attorney stand next to the paper products to prevent returns of excessive purchases. I have never been in Costco but I could find it and I could be one of those attorneys. Can’t stand for 8 hours but if they sell lazy boys chairs could stand and recline when necessary. Does it sell pillows or do I have to bring my own?

SmartFella? said...

Pretty funny, Dear Lawyer Reader, but you read it wrong. The Lawyer was not there to take Costco's side. He was there to force Costco to take back the excess the Excess Greedy Shortage Causing Purchase. I am certain this is the first mistake you have ever made in your Long Lawyering Career...Or was it? :)