Saturday, May 23, 2020

I Often Refer To Our Congress As Our 9% Approval Rated Congress. With Regard To The Senate At Least, I Am Now Forced To Admit That My 9% Looks Like It Is A Little Bit Low.

Below is the first paragraph of a sobering article in the Wall Street Journal.

The End of America’s Era of Military Primacy

As China’s advanced arsenal grows, the Pentagon must focus on emerging technologies, not traditional weapons platforms

By Christian Brose

May 22, 2020 9:57 am ET

Could the U.S. lose a war with China? That alarming possibility was one of the last things I ever discussed in person with my old boss, Sen. John McCain. In late 2017, we had just left a briefing that he had asked me to arrange for his colleagues about China’s growing arsenal of precision-strike missiles, long-range sensors, counter-space capabilities and other advanced weapons. Every senator was invited to the briefing; about a dozen showed up. They got a depressing dose of reality. 


“Every Senator Was Invited to the Briefing; About a Dozen Showed Up.”

I apologize to the Senate. I have been saying they were “9% Approval Rated” and now we know that they are really “About 12% Approval Rated”.

Having said what I just said, it makes me sad to blame Deceased Senator John McCain for the lack of attendance at this Depressing Dose of Reality Briefing.

He was at fault for calling his briefing at 2pm. He should have known that at 2pm About 88% His Senate Colleagues were already standing in line for the Opening of Happy Hour at 5pm.

Would I kid u?


1 comment:

BIonic B. said...

Could it be that lunch hour is about over. Therefore the left over food needs to GO -- !/2 off special for the 88% that are now in line at 2 pm - and therefore they are already seated for happy hour.