Wednesday, April 08, 2020

In The Age Of Coronavirus I Am Discombobulated About Lots Of Things And One Of The Most Befuddling Is China.

There is a lot that I don’t understand and you, Dear Readers, can help me. Please read through this series of bullet points and enlighten me about the last one…
Ø First Day News Report: The Chinese Government says that there are a few cases of the Coronavirus in a few parts of China but everything is under control.
Ø Second Day News Report: The Chinese Government reports that hospitals in Wuhan are handling a very light increase in cases comfortably but unnamed sources are telling international news agencies inside the country that hospitals all over Wuhan are bursting at the seams.
Ø Third Day News Report: The Chinese Government reported today that Ventilators and N-95 Face Mask Supplies are to the point where any day now China will begin sharing their abundant surplus with other countries across the globe but videos have come across the Internet of doctors, nurses and patients wrestling for control of ventilators and ripping face masks off of each other in the hallways of Wuhan General Hospital.
Ø Fourth Day News Report: The Chinese Government reported today that New Cases of the Coronavirus have fallen to the point where the Curve Has Definitely Been Flattened but Mr. Anonymous (disguised as a potted plant) has reported from his balcony that the streets below his hotel room are crowded with throngs of people desperate to get out of Wuhan and they are trampling each other to death as they flee the city in all directions.
Ø Fifth Day News Report: A Wuhan doctor who attempted to warn the public about a potential Coronavirus outbreak died on Friday from the Coronavirus Infection. The doctor who was widely hailed as a hero after it emerged had been targeted by police for spreading "rumors" about the virus, when he was in fact sharing accurate information to try and raise the alarm. Government officials labeled this as Fake News saying that the Doctor was actually on vacation at a resort on the South China Sea with his family.
Ø Sixth Day News Report: The world is now absolutely certain that the Chinese Government is not to be trusted when it comes to any information about the Coronavirus.
Ø Seventh Day News Report: The United States Government Reports that it has had 3,251 people die of the Coronavirus. A short while later the Chinese Government Reports that it has had 3,250 people die of the Coronavirus and our News Media goes bonkers with these Headlines…
>>> What the heck is wrong with us?
>>> It is unconscionable that the United States should have more deaths from the Coronavirus than China!
>>> Our Government has been telling us about all that it is doing for us to fight the Coronavirus and now we find out that China has fewer deaths than we do!
>>>All Is Lost!

Would China kid us?


Bobby Tony said...

After a careful (double read) review of your post, I have come to the conclusion the operative words here are "News Report."

I eagerly await the "revise and extend" portion of the "News Report" which I am sure is bound to follow.

It appears to me that China also has a "Fake News" problem. It has come to the point that you don't know who to believe. Or do you?

Anonymous said...

It was just unintentional errors by former members of its media/government.

Anonymous said...

Good article, Fella. For sure our media is so corrupt it actually appears that some so called news outlets are coordinating their efforts with the ChiComs. Wouldn’t be the first time!!!