Wednesday, March 25, 2020

The CaronaWorldWeLiveInVirus Is In Control!

My son is closing on a new Town House in a few days.

He Sent Our Family His Closing Procedure

"Our closing is still on. We are going to do a ‘drive through closing’. We get the sanitized documents in a bag, we are to bring gloves if we have them, and our own pens. They’ll pass the documents into our car, we sign and pass them back out the window."
My daughter lives in Dallas and she volunteers at the local Food Bank.

She Replied To My Son’s Message with This

"At the Food Bank they pass the ‘qualifying’ paperwork into the car.  The family closes the window and completes the paperwork and holds it up against the window so the Food Bank can take a photo!"
At my Keep-My-Heart-From-Attacking-Me Park this has happened.

They Closed the Dog Parks

The gate is secured with a large padlock.

My question is, if the Dog and his Guardian (Formerly Known As: Owner) climb over the fence, who pays the $1,000 Fine and/or Spends the 60 Days in Jail, the Dog or the Guardian?

If it is the Guardian, can he get a reduced sentence if he can prove that the dog threatened to bite him?
Another at my Keep-My-Heart-From-Attacking-Me Park happening.

They Have Police Taped Off (aks: Closed) the Children’s Playground)

I’m not questioning the necessity for this closing but I do think it is a Sad Picture. L

I have been told that there is a Police Sniper hidden in the trees to enforce the closure if some Little Unlawful Interloper Lopes Under the Tape.

Personally, I do not believe the above. I think it is much more likely that there is a Bureaucrat in those trees and, if and some Little Unlawful Interloper Lopes Under the Tape, the Bureaucrat will spring from the trees and force the little fellow to make a hasty retreat by striking him with his Government Issued Clip Board.
I must apologize for this Blog Posting. I have been under Coronavirus House Arrest for more than a week and I am getting Silly.

Would I kid u?

Lagniappe: Speaking of Coronavirus House Arrest, we received this from one of our tennis players, “Unfortunately, I will not be able to play tomorrow.  I am under house arrest until my wife stops watching the news.


Bobby Tony said...

It could be a member of an HOA since they are very adept of watching any transgressions against the rules. I hear that many don't have much to do since most of the clubhouses have been shut down.

Anonymous said...

No sillier than before – I didn’t even notice !!

Potatohead said...

I think I like the cooped up AO he produces more entertainment than the usenewsless sources

Alessandro Rosolino Ortolano said...

How will the notary see the signature when your son is sitting in the car? Through the moon roof?!