Saturday, November 16, 2019

I Am In A Quandary. I Need Your Help. You Could Go A Long Way Toward Helping Me Out Of My Predicament By Answering One Simple Question.

I wrote a Blog Posting in January of this year that contained this excerpt…

This kind of thing happens all the time in the Middle East...Someone says to a Middle East Extremist, “Why are you so determined to kill that guy drinking coffee over there? He looks just like you.”

After asking this perfectly logical question the questioner gets this indignant response from the guy who wants to kill the Coffee Drinking Other Guy, “Do you know nothing about history? Do you not know what his people did to my people in the year 1277?”

I don’t want to imply that all people in the Middle East hold long-standing grudges…Or do I?

I just need a bit more specific information. Was the guy who wanted to kill the Coffee Drinking Other Guy talking about 1277 BC or 1277 AD?

Would I kid u?


Anonymous said...

If you ever get an answer to your question, I hope you share it.

Anonymous said...

Has to be AD but in the answer to such a question it doesn’t matter although until AD and for some time after wars were based simply on they are not us so let us get rid of them and get what they have more land. Let is know the responses. Thanks.