Wednesday, August 14, 2019

I Try To Learn A New Word Every Day. Some Of Them I Try To Unlearn As Soon As I Learn Them.

Today my New Word is “Fave”. Being Sly, Cunning and Alert I quickly caught on that this was short for “Favorite”.

I wish I had not caught on so quickly. As soon as I realized that I had figured out such a Cool Modern Word I started to fear people were going to start calling me “Dude”.

Actually I knew I was in trouble a long time ago when I figured out that “Celeb” was short for “Celebrity”.

Oh well, at least I’m not famous because then I would be a “Celebrity Dude”.
We are all well aware that the Internet was invented to…
Ø Not let us relax without being interrupted constantly by a Notification about Useless Information that just popped into our Smartphones.
Ø Allowing you to worry about things that you can’t do anything about but worry about like a Ferry Boat overturning 6,872 miles away from where you are and killing a bunch of people who you would never ever have met in your entire life.
Ø Letting you know that you are terribly out of style because you just bought new jeans and you are ashamed that you could not afford holes in your new jeans so you bought the cheaper ones without holes and you are about to get to work with your scissors, your wire brush and your hammer so you can put holes in them and you are praying to God in heaven that no one will be the wiser that your holes are Cheap Wearer Created Holes and not Cool Store Bought Holes.
Oh yea, back to how “Fave” jumped out at me…

My phone just showed me an ad that was headlined…
Faves from Ellen DeGeneres!
Right next to the cutest picture of Ellen you ever saw are these words…
Ellen’s Fave List
My back-to-school faves for a cool school year.
(Ellen’s Cool Signature)

Ellen’s First Fave: Wonder Nation Clear Backpack…Stylish & see-through, so you’ll know if you forgot to pack Timmy’s lunch. (I wonder if it would work just as well if you child was not named Timmy but was named Papoose?)
Ellen’s Second Fave: Boon Bento Lunch Box…Shaped like snail so kids will have the most adorable lunch possible. (Maybe that’s why I turned out the way I did. I can’t ever remember eating even one Adorable Lunch at St. Anthony of Padua Grammar School.)
Ellen’s Third Fave: ZIPIT Wildings Pencil Case…Fun moms get their kids fun pencil cases. That’s all there is to it. (If my Mother were still here, she would be proud that she was not a Fun Mom and I would love her even more for standing her ground.)

It’s hard to imagine how Timmy and Papoose will not get all A’s with all these Cool Ellen Faves.

Would I kid u?

1 comment:

Bobby Tony said...

One of the first words I learned from my Dad was "SOB." I thought for years it had something to do with crying but I later found out that my mom did not allow any cursing around the kids and dad had to resort to an abbreviation when talking about somebody.

I might add I have met quite a few SOB-bers over the years.