Monday, July 22, 2019

There Has Been A Dramatic Increase in Applications from Men Over 70 Years of Age for Sex Change Surgery!

Addendum to this already published Blog Posting
I have been called to task by one of my Dear Readers! I know you find this hard to believe but it happened. I will not try and quote what was said (emailed) to me but I will give you a bullet-pointed Gist of the Attack on my credibility…
Ø Fella, you say Dad’s have no place to go.
Ø I have just seen the commercial you mentioned in your Blog Posting and I saw a couple of men who were in the commercial.
Ø This means you are exaggerating or you are outright lying about saying that A Place for Mom is only for Mom’s.

Dear Picky Dear Reader, you have cut me to the quick. You must be a new Dear Reader because, if you were a long time Dear Reader, you would know that I don’t make mistakes. The answer to your little-faith-in-me baseless attack is simple…
Ø I mentioned that many applications are being submitted for Sex Change Surgery.
Ø There is a long waiting list.
Ø The men you see in the commercial are the ones that have already had their Applications Approved and are simply waiting for their scheduled time on the table to come around.
Ø This not only allows them to start getting acclimated to where they are going to spend their declining years but there is also an issue of limited space in the Shipping Box Cars to the Left Coast and this apparent act of kindness serves to help relieve that Space Limitation Problem.
Ø There is also a problem with a Shortage of Cardboard Boxes but that is not considered critical because production is being ramped up as we speak and the shortage will be a thing of the past any day now.
End of 7/26/19 Addendum

The Federal Government was stumped as to why men, after the age of 70, are stampeding to hospitals and back alleys all over the Good Ole USofA to have their sex changed from Male to Female.

Of course, Smartfella is the first person Washington D.C. Bureaucrats seek out to find answers when they get stumped (this happens a lot).

Unusually I treat them with a lot of respect when they ring my doorbell in a panic like they were in a panic this time. However, because this answer was so obvious I lost my patience with them. I let them have it with both barrels.

I spoke to them in Bullet Points to make it as plain as I could because they can be slow on the uptake…
Ø You guys make big salaries.
Ø You guys think nothing about writing new legislation that will raise our taxes, raid our IRA savings accounts, write regulations that neither you or us folks back home can understand and you can’t be fired.
Ø Then every time I turn around you are flying into wherever I am to ask me about things you ought to already know about.
Ø That time I was driving between Montgomery and Mobile and you landed that Black Helicopter right in front of my car to ask me a question was a surprise but I saw the complexity of your dilemma and was glad to help.
Ø This issue is so apparent that I have a good mind to send you packing.

I started to show them the door but they gave me that Puppy Dog Look and they started to Whimper and I relented and gave them the benefit of my vast store of knowledge.

I continued in Bullet Points…
Ø Do you not watch TV?
Ø Have you not seen the hundreds of ads by that lady who used to be famous about where all the over 70 years old Females are headed?
Ø Gentlemen, think about the name of the place they are going to live in for their declining years.
Ø Don’t you see it yet? (They did not yet.)
Ø It called A Place for Mom
Ø That’s it!
Ø There is no ad for A Place for Dad!
Ø Where are the Dads going to go?
Ø It’s all over the Internet that Dads are being shipped in box cars to the streets of Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland and Seattle!
Ø To add insult to injury, as they get off the box cars, they are being charged for their Cardboard Boxes!
Ø Just where do you think all these Homeless People have been coming from?
Ø If we simply change our sex from Male to Female, we too will have A Place to Go!

It was dramatic when the realization of what I had just told them got through their Bureaucratic Thick Sculls. They looked so relieved.

After they left I felt really pleased that I could help my country but I quickly returned to my own problems and how I am still worried about where I’m going to go.

I’m gonna check on my Surgery Application first thing in the morning.
Would I kid u?


Jeff Grider said...

Excellent observation.

Anonymous said...

Yes, and to make matters worse, I often see a TV commercial telling me that the modern day male has less testosterone than our fathers and grandfathers..... ye gads!!