Friday, June 28, 2019

Stick With Me On This One. I May Have Said Something Brilliant! … Or May I Have?

Today it seems like all the TV Talking Heads and the Newspaper Writing Heads are bombarding us with stories about Big Social Media and the way they are controlling what we hear and read about.
The Conservative Side of the Spectrum wants us to worry about what stories are not allowed to reach to us at all. They contend Conservative Thought is being stopped dead in its tracks by the Googles and the Facebooks of the world.
Prager University is actually suing YouTube (owned by Google) for banning its Videos. Fella has watched many of the Banned Videos and found that many of the many simply appear to be History Lessons. They are not even Leaning History Lessons. They are just History.
Recently I communicated with 14 people in my Address Book and pointed out a Prager Video that sang the praises of the British Empire. As I watched it I felt unease about the glowing praise it spoke about the British Empire.

Anything as large as the British Empire must have done something wrong but this video gave no hint that the British Empire had ever strayed from Truth, Justice and the British Way (excuse me, Superman, for using your 1950s TV Show Introductory Words).

Google's corporate mission is "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful." 

Think about the above Mission Statement as you read on…
Based on its own Mission Statement, if YouTube (owned by Google) does not agree with the contents of the video, it is not within its prerogative (according to its own Mission Statement) to ban it. The video is the opinion of those who made the video. If YouTube (owned by Google) were being true to its Mission Statement, they would publish the information (see the words “Universally Accessible” in the Mission Statement). Those who saw the video could counter the “facts” presented in the video (there were many comments countering the “facts” of the British Empire video) but they would have been informed about the beliefs of the people who put together the video.
The people who did not like the “facts” of the video might even change their minds. There was a time, before the time we live in when people actually changed their minds.
Changing your mind is unlikely when you do not see anything but those things that support what you already believe.
Google's corporate mission is not "to organize the world's information that we approve of and agree with and make it universally accessible and useful." ... Or is it?
The above may not be as brilliant as I had hoped it would be. Allow me to try again…
Starting Point…
Ø The Wall Street Journal is Conservative
Ø Google is Liberal
YouTube (owned by Google) is preventing publication of Conservative Videos from Prager University.
On June 27, 2019, the Wall Street Journal published a Commentary where the first 2 paragraphs were…
“America will never be a socialist country,” President Trump said as he launched his bid for re-election last week.
That declaration was an effort to frighten Americans and undermine growing support for expanding Medicare and Social Security—two popular programs that have long been derided as “socialist.” Mr. Trump’s declaration hypocritically ignores that he and his Republican colleagues are the nation’s leading purveyors of an insidious form of corporate socialism, which uses government power and taxpayer resources to enrich Mr. Trump and his billionaire friends.
Do any of you think the Wall Street Journal agrees with these 2 paragraphs? Knowing what we know about the WSJ we should all be able to agree that they do not agree with these 2 paragraphs but the entire commentary was published in the WSJ for all to read and agree or disagree with.
Fella has a question for all of my Dear Readers to think about…
Think about how YouTube (owned by Google) is Censoring Prager University Conservative Videos. Then think about this, if the Wall Street Journal were the Google Street Journal and it used the same criteria YouTube (owned by Google) uses to decide what to publish or not publish, would Google Street Journal have published Bernie Sanders’ Commentary as the Wall Street Journal did on June 27, 2019?
It gives Fella great comfort to know that all my Dear Reader Liberal and Conservative friends agree with every logical word I have pecked out in this brilliant Blog Posting…Or should I feel so comforted?
Would I kid u?
Lagniappe: I am sorry this Blog Posting was so complicated. It’s not my fault. It is they (whoever they are) who have made it so complicated.😀


Bobby Tony said...

There was a local talk show host in Atlanta who later became a syndicated talk show host. He retired in 2013. He often repeated this phrase to remind his listeners that they should not believe everything he or anyone else said. I copied it as a reminder that all content is subject to inaccuracies of fact or bias.

”I will lie to you. Don't believe anything you hear on The Neal Boortz Show, unless it is consistent with what you already know to be true, or unless you have taken the time to research the matter to prove its accuracy to your satisfaction." Neal Boortz WSB Radio Talk Show Host

Ludwig said...

Google has not been on my list of favorites for quite some time, but I must rise in their defense. Their mission statement talks about organizing and bringing "information". Not "opinion". Sadly, in our current world there is way to much opinion being hacked as information. When opinion does not conform to facts it is not "information", it is blatant lies. Feeding the audience with little lies, one at a time, to soften them up to accept bigger lies is a well-trod approach to the destruction of individual freedom.

I experienced the approach and the consequences as a little kid. It took me a long time to recognize what had happened. I am aghast that I am seeing it again.

SmartFella? said...

Information not Opinion…Wow!
That’s a very fine line of distinction.
I can see that the hours I spent choosing what I thought to be the right words for this Blog Posting was not time well spent.
Oh well, at least the Wall Street Journal allowed Bernie Sanders to publish his information or opinion for all the world to read and have a chance to decide whether or not they accepted or agreed with what he had to say.
As I said in my Blog Posting, I feel certain the Wall Street Journal did not accept or agree what he had to say but that did not stop them from allowing him a forum to say it.
Too bad Dennis Prager is not afforded the same opportunity for his information or opinion.

Anonymous said...

Actually, leftist "journalist" have been passing opinion off as facts for over 50 years. This is nothing new. Walter Cronkite declared that the Vietnam war was unwinnable after the TET Offensive of 1968. He ignored fact in favor of opinion.
If Google has the power to silence its critics because of its power due to size and economic clout we should all be concerned for our country and free speech. This is not opinion, this is a fact.
That's my rulin.