Monday, April 29, 2019

Tell Me Again Exactly Why I Should Buy Your Medicine

I’m touching again on something I have touched on before...Drug Ads On TV.

I have touched on the fact that they have more Dire Side Effects then you can wrap your brain around including Sudden Death. I questioned whether or not you should take a drug that has so many opportunities to do you harm.

The one that is the most logical is the one that warns...If You Are Allergic to Our Drug, You Should Not Take Our Drug. 
In high school we would have said. “No chit, Sherlock!”

While driving in my car the other day I took notice of a new caution coming out of my radio (yes I do have the ability to drive and notice at the same time). It said...

This product is not intended to Diagnose, Treat, Cure or Prevent Any Disease.

Let me see if I understand all of this...

Ø It could help you.

Ø It could harm you.

Ø The only thing that guaranteed is, if you spend your beer money to buy our drug, you will have less money left with which to buy beer.

If the word ever gets out about this third bullet, their sales will fall like a rock.

Would I kid u?


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