Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Capping Your Hands Is In

I’m not sure how this got started nor am I sure who started it but have you noticed how Celebrities and Politicians are always Clapping At Us?

Politicians...After a politician is introduced, they walk onto the stage Clapping. Should they not wait until they have done something Clap Worthy before they start Clapping? Maybe they have a deep seated need to be Clapped At, and if they waited until they deserved to be Clapped At, they might never be Clapped At so they get the Clapping started right from the get go.

North Koreans...All those look alike North Koreans are really good at Clapping. Their little leader certainly seems to be always Clapping. Maybe it’s because, if they don’t Clap when their little leader Claps, they will get into deep trouble. Imagine how many heads would roll if he walked out Clapping and looked around to see that he was the only Clapper Clapping.

The Middle East...In the Middle East they have a strong incentive to Clap when their leader Claps because, if they don’t, they get to have their Clappers Chopped Off.

Celebrities...Oprah may be the one who started all this Clapping. It could be because she has a deep seated sense of insecurity about what an Oprah does. She does not Sing. She does not Dance. She does not Juggle Bowling Pins. She does Clap and, you have to admit, she is a very good Clapper.

I performed an experiment a few months back that resulted in many of you Dear Readers breaking into Applause at the conclusion of one of my Blog Postings.

It did not work out so well for me because it got me into hot water with the Commissioner of Blogging in Washington, D.C. He Clapped a fine on me saying I was guilty of Blog Falsification because I signed that Blog Posting “Oprah” instead of “Smartfella” and, before you guys knew what you were doing, you had started Clapping.

Would I kid u?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are the KING of the Noticers..... I applaud you.