Friday, September 21, 2018

Did You Know That Fella Is Known The World Over?

BlogSpot (where I publish Foolishness...Or Is It?) allows me to see where in the whole wide world my viewers come from. I bet you are just dying to know where they come from...Or are you? If not, read on anyway, since you have come this far...

Ø Good Ole USofA 73,551

Ø Italy 11,320

Ø Russia 6,416 (I sure hope I will not be prosecuted for Collusion)

Ø Canada 1,219

Ø France 1,068

Ø China 1,057

Ø Poland 748

Ø Ukraine 706

Ø India 693

Ø Germany 565

Ø Others 8,300


This could mean I am in the process of changing the world.


Sometimes I wish I did not have the ability to hear what my dear readers are thinking when they read my blog because I just heard 12 of you think to yourselves, “Change the world? It’s more like Confuse the World!”


Thankfully I also have the ability to ignore my Dear Readers thoughts.


What all these views of my blog from around the world does tell me is that a whole bunch of the world can read English.


I want to now speak to that Whole Bunch...


Dear Bunch,

Have you noticed that my Blog now has the new feature that allows my silliness to be translated into other languages? It’s right there at the top left of every posting...

Ø My most recent blog title in English is... “I Did Not Write This But I Sure Enjoyed Reading What Mr. John Steele Gordon Wrote

Ø My most recent blog title in Russian is... “Я не пишу это, но я уверен Пользовался Чтение Что г-н Джон Стил Гордон писал


Why have I gone to all this trouble to tell you this? It’s because, since you live in all these different countries, I bet you know Potential Dear Readers Who Can’t Read English like you can. Please tell them to use Fella’s New Translate Feature and translate my blogs into the language of their choice and become a New Dear Reader.


I sure would appreciate it.


Would I kid u?



Anonymous said...

I didn’t know you had that many relatives in Italy 🇮🇹 🇮🇹 !!

Anonymous said...

Gracias, Bon soir (?), Danka Schein (?)

Anonymous said...

Good Morning: impressive numbers I am happy for you and us. I always thought it was just the 13. Too bad you won’t get any in China but can thank google for that.

SmartFella? said...

Mr. Anonymous, Google let me have 55 in China.

Ludwig said...

Oh, the fun, oh the magic,

FOII on rare occasions has elicited a smile from me, but today I looked at it in my native tongue. I am still rolling on the floor laughing as I write this - aren't tablets great! Your sometimes troubled English really tosses Google Translate for a loop. The loopiness makes up for any lack of loonieness. Google isn't very good to start with, but with your added wit and twists of words and grammar, it really is priceless foolishness!