Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Over The Years Starbucks Has Been The Subject Of Many Of My Blogs

This is a re-posting of a Starbucks Blog Postings from June 27, 2010. It is a Fella Favorite and it is historically accurate…Or is it?

Little Mr. Starbucks Asks His Father For A Little Help

A Journey Back Into Coffee History

Little Mr. Starbucks goes to his father and asks to borrow $10,000. He wants to use the money to invest in a bright idea that he has been kicking around in the back of his mind. He is sure that this idea of his will be his life’s work.

Father Starbucks was always supportive of his son since he was born right through his years of higher education in one of the finest school in the east. He knew that he was going to do whatever his son asked. He eagerly inquired how his boy was going to use the $10,000 as he reached for his checkbook.

Here is the back and forth conversation that took place about the plan of action Little Mr. Starbucks laid out for his ever more wide eyed father, as his father slipped his checkbook back into his pocket…
  • Father … “You are going to do what?”
  • Son … “I want to open up a coffee shop and spend my life selling people coffee, a cup at a time.”
  • Father … “You mean to tell me that, after I devoted my life to you and took out a second mortgage on our modest family home in order to put you through that fancy snotty school back east, you are going to spend your life with an apron on selling cups of coffee?”
  • Son … “That’s right, pop. I just know there is a world of money to be made out there in coffee cups.”
  • Father … “Where are you going to set up the gold mine of a coffee shop?”
  • Son … “I’m going to rent space in the shopping mall downtown.”
  • Father … “You mean to tell me that you are going to pay the exorbitant rent that businesses are charged in that mall? Are you aware, my educated idiot son, that in order to just break even, you are going to have to sell a lot of cups of coffee? Don’t forget you are going to have to pay salaries and benefits, buy supplies and pay that sky high rent just to crack your nut!”
  • Son … “Daddy, I have thought through all of the costs that you have just mentioned. I have that covered in my business plan. I am going to charge a lot for my cups of coffee!

At this point Father Starbucks climbed across the dining room table and started to strangle junior. 

After Mother Starbucks had locked Father Starbucks in the bedroom closet to cool off overnight, she loaned Little Mr. Starbucks the $10,000 for his bright idea and the rest is coffee history.

Would I kid u?



Anonymous said...

Good Morning: Can you believe that the stores are going to close so that the worker bees can attend training in equality and they must attend? I don’t think they close for anything include Isis feast days. Dad was right the son will never make it. It will fail and he will have to work on a fair pay coffee plantation in California. At least Ben & Jerry will survive.

Anonymous said...

Yes, and you can only imagine what the conversation must have been like when the young man asked his father for a loan to start up a company that would sell........bottled water!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The night I graduated from Loyola, I went up to dad, showed him my diploma and said " Dad, would you loan me $2,000 so I can open up a cannoli shop and sell cannolies". He shot back "Junior, how are you going to sell cannoli when you can't even spell it?" That was the end of the conversation and my cannoli career.

Anonymous said...

Nasty coffee at nasty prices! Give me Community any day!