Hillary Supporters have been sad long enough. It’s time to lighten up a bit and what better place to find some Lightening Silliness than a blog called Foolishness...Or Is It?
Hillary had a brilliant plan but it just did not work and it’s hard to understand why it did not work.
Who would have known that taking a selfie with everyone in the United States would not result in a landslide victory?
![clip_image004[1] clip_image004[1]](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-bc5GPXew7Ag/WRDuf7R5iuI/AAAAAAAAPRU/1DSymKBIxhMcI8YPsPXU372UbHLZ_uNsQCHM/clip_image004%255B1%255D_thumb?imgmax=800)
![clip_image002[1] clip_image002[1]](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-D3i_fvYmy0g/WRDuhHePDdI/AAAAAAAAPRc/IQ6NHuX4S8YDcZMbH3eMZ3d6s-chnFpNQCHM/clip_image002%255B1%255D_thumb?imgmax=800)
Would I kid u?
Hillary had a brilliant plan but it just did not work and it’s hard to understand why it did not work.
Who would have known that taking a selfie with everyone in the United States would not result in a landslide victory?
Would I kid u?
Thanks....it put a smile on my face!!!!!
I'm loving that picture
Can you imagine Eisenhower taking a selfie?
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