Monday, September 22, 2014

Federal Laws We Do Not Know Anything About

I have commented at least twice before about there being too many laws out there.

Did I just hear you say to yourself, “Comment? This guy does not comment on anything. He rants!” I am extremely disappointed about your thinking this way about my “wisdom” but I am going to peck on as if you had not said what you just said to yourself because this is my calling.

You might think differently about there being too many laws if you had already been aware of these three laws...

  • You are prohibited by H.R. 1762 Part 234 Subsection 17(c) to become aware of or even to notice that your Congress is lying to you.
  • As you watch the Nightly News you are prohibited by S. 37862 Part 719 Subsection 47(d) to notice that the Breaking News Alert you are watching on TV which is making your blood pressure rise to dangerously high levels is the same Breaking News Alert that last night made your blood pressure rise to dangerously high levels.
  • As required by H.R. 2589 Part 77 Section 259 Subsection445 you are not allowed to Laugh, Snicker or even Notice whenever a member of Congress is caught unable to remember the state he was elected from all those many years ago. A clue that he can’t remember the state he represents is when he says “The Folks Back Home” without mentioning where “Back Home” is. Think about how many times you have heard one of them say, “The Folks Back Home”.

If You Think You Can Just Ignore What They Do And They Will Leave You Alone, Think About This... After having worked hard all your life and saving your money in order to have a somewhat comfortable retirement by living off the interest on your hard earned savings, you are required to just scratch your head in wonderment about what you did wrong because you are getting .02% on your savings because Congress Can’t Stop Spending Money Trying To Buy Your Vote (it’s working) so the Federal Reserve (whatever that is) feels required to dictate that you ought to get doodle squat on your savings and mandate that your banker look you straight into your I-Can’t-Believe-Believe-What-I-Am-Hearing-Eyes and not laugh as he tells you that you are going to get .02% on your hard earned life saving. (Yes I know the prior sentence is too long but it is cuz it ought to be).

Would I kid u?



Lagniappe: Ask a farmer who owns a herd of cows what the bull is doing to the cows when the bull has intercourse with the cow and he will tell you the bull is “Servicing the Cow”.

Now you know what Congress means when they say they have been serving the citizens of the Good Ole USofA for more than 227 years.


Anonymous said...

At least the cow and the farmer get something out of the servicing.

Anonymous said...

As long as I make you happy.