Sunday, June 29, 2014

If You Persist In Stupidity, One Day You Will Be Declared Certifiably Stupid

I wrote a Blog on October 15, 2008 about a Not So Brilliant Idea those Not So Brilliant People in the San Francisco Area were thinking of doing. They were contemplating putting a Gigantic Net underneath the Golden Gate Bridge to catch Would Be Suicide People before they became Actual Suicide People.

As I pecked that one out I was under a lot of pressure to get it posted quickly because I was sure that the Not So Brilliant People were going to publically state that the Golden Net Idea was dumb and they were not going to install it and it would have taken the wind out of my would be Foolishness...Or Is It.

Boy was I wrong. It turns out that the Not So Brilliant People have remained committed to their crazy idea all this time and they are getting close to bringing their dream into fruition. My newspaper now tells me, “San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge may soon be less of a magnet for people trying to commit suicide, as regional officials consider a plan to install mesh barriers beneath the historic orange span to catch jumpers before they hit the water.”

Forrest Gump tried to warn us. Sometimes it seems that Forrest Gump was the only not stupid one among us and he was never really among us because he never actually was. He gave us, Stupid Is As Stupid Does.

How about a few Catchy Silly (Or Are They?) Sayings for the future?...

  • Stupid is stupid.
  • Stupid never goes away.
  • Stupid does as stupid does.
  • Stupid...Not Just a Temporary Condition but a Way of Life.
  • Stupid is our most important product.
  • Why be smart? Stupid is a lot easier.

I just know you are dying to read about what I wrote about this silly idea back on October 15, 2008. In this posting, I also answer the obvious question about what to do about those jumpers who try to scramble up the net to continue their dying.

Here it is:

Finding Another Way

If someone wants to commit suicide, they will find another way.

October 15, 2008 | 12:51 PM

On Saturday October 11, 2008 I read where the city of San Francisco is considering a stainless steel net under the Golden Gate Bridge to prevent people from committing suicide by jumping off the bridge.

This net will cost somewhere between $40 & $50 million. What do you want to bet it will end up being closer to that $50 million figure?

There is no law that requires a person who commits suicide to jump off of the Golden Gate Bridge. If someone wants to kill himself, there are a lot of other ways to get the job done. What is next for the suicide prevention minded city council of San Francisco? …

  • Nets under all tall buildings, trees and ladders?
  • Outlawing all tall buildings, trees and ladders?
  • Requiring all tall buildings, trees and ladders be short?

I may be one step ahead of the city council but I wonder if they have thought of the possibility that the suicide minded person might just scramble up the stainless steel net and continue their plunge? I know what they could do if the jumpers started crawling up the net, they could shoot them.

Would I kid u?


Would I kid u again?




Anonymous said...

Just got caught up on back "Foolishness." As reading about the net and its cost of 40-50 mil, the radio was talking about this also. However their cost was quoted as $75 million. Makes me think of the remark Stupid...Not Just a Temporary Condition but a Way of Life, and how accurate it is.

SmartFella? said...

Mr. Anonymous,you just helped make my point when I said in my 2008 posting that the project would cost closer to the $50 Million as opposed to the $40 Million projected cost. These projects always gravitate toward the higher figure. The lower figure is only there for the use of the proponents of the bill. They say, "it will only cost $40 Million".
My own feeling is the word "only" & $40 Million should not be allowed in the same paragraph, much less next to each other in the same sentence.
Now it is almost 6 years later & the cost figure is, of course, dramatically up! It is always dramatically up.
Do you want to know the absolute truth? $75 Million is a low ball. It will definitely cost more than a mere $75 Million.

Anonymous said...

It reflects the gene pool of those making the decision.