Saturday, June 21, 2014

How Stupid Does The Governor Think We Are?

Welcome To the Stone(ed) Age

I recently aimed my Foolishness Pointer Outer at Marijuana. If you care to refresh your aging memory about this Blog I posted on January 13, 2014, go to...

Hey, you dear Readers who live in New York State, you better pay attention to this one.

Hey, you dear Readers who do not live in New York State, you better pay attention to this one.

My newspaper tells me that the Governor of New York is about to make his state the 23rd state to allow easier access to Marijuana for Therapeutic Purposes.

I see no need to again state that I think this is a National Unstoppable Mistake because it appears to be a mistake whose time has come.

Did you just say you have decided that you wanted to go back and read my January 13, 2014 blog posting on this subject but you can’t find the link to that bit of foolishness? Do not worry. I will now give you the link again...

Just like when Prohibition was on a roll to become the year 1920’s National Unstoppable Mistake the will of the people is in the process of being spoken. I will concede that, as influential as this Blog is in shaping national policy, there is nothing that I can peck out that will even slow down this juggernaut. Please do allow me to quibble with one of the Governor of New York’s major selling points...

The bill has a Fail Safe Provision that would allow the Governor to stop the program at any time.

If the Governor decides he will cancel this Marijuana Is Out There Everywhere Program once it is fully embedded in the very fabric of New York, I would recommend that he warm up for the turning off of this spigot by going to Home Depot and buying a good sized Mop Bucket, a Slicker, a big Waterproof Hat and a good pair of Hip Waders and have his chauffer drive him up to Niagara Falls where he can practice throwing the Falls back to the top of the Falls until the Falls gets tired of Falling.

It is going to be impossible to put a stop to the Marijuana Industry after the money starts flowing.

I can just hear it now, “Ah come on, Gov., all those phony doctors sitting in the corner of all those phony Medical Marijuana Clinics are people too. They have families to support. Have a heart!”

Would I kid u?



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good one, Fella.....I especially agree with "A mistake whose time has come!"