If you have been alive since the 1960s you know all about the dire consequences of smoking cigarettes. If you were alive in the 1960s, you are pretty old which means you may not remember the aforementioned dire consequences, so here is a refresher...
- Cancer of the lungs.
- Cancer of any part of the body that may have been associated with your lungs.
- Emphysema
- Bad breath.
- Awfully bad breath.
- Yellow teeth.
- Stinky clothes.
In doing my research for this blog posting I came across an article that made smoking sound worst than I thought it was...
- There's no addiction like cigarette addiction. (I’m not sure I believe this but that’s what was written by this fellow who some say is a smarter fellow than the Smartfella.)
- Cigarettes can destroy a body's circulation.
- Depression is synonymous with smoking.
- In the short term cigarettes please the senses, but in the long-term they destroy one's life and health completely.
- Many people have died prematurely, suffering horrible slow deaths because of smoking.
- There are harmful effects of tobacco smoke on atherosclerosis, one of the driving forces of cardiovascular disease. All these awful consequences regarding atherosclerosis are greater in women than in men.
- Cigarette smokers are most often selfish, inconsiderate, rude, likely to be in debt, struggling in their marriages, slobs, insulting, disgusted with life and negative in their opinions about lots of things.
- 95% of all cigarette smokers are inconsiderate people, throwing their cigarette butts on the ground, gossiping about others while they smoke with other smokers and live immoral lives of apathy and indifference.
Second Hand Smoke: We are told breathing in smoke that others have breathed out is worst than if you had breathed in the breathed out smoke before the breath in smoker himself had breathed it in. (I have never been able to get my mind around why second hand smoke is worst that first hand smoke.)
With all of the above having been said and accepted as fact, how do we explain the growing movement in this country that says?...
Marijuana Smoking Is A Wonderful Thing
Sucking Marijuana Smoke Into Your Lungs & Letting It Swish Around In There, Is Many Times A Medical Necessity
It Ought To Be Legalized & Anyone Who Is Against Marijuana Smoking Being Legalized Is A Terrorist
Do you feel I got carried away with the use of the word “terrorist”. Maybe so, but it’s just that in the Good Ole USofA we are throwing the word “terrorist” around an awful lot these days. I guess I felt it was OK for me to throw it around it after I saw that first grade boy who recently kissed that first grade girl on the hand while in school referred to as a “terrorist”.
The six-year-old was suspended and the powers that be had the charge of Sexual Harassment placed on his record.
I do apologize. Who am I to spread silly just because I see silly being spread?
Does he look like a Terrorist to you?

Would I kid u?
Lagniappe: This guy has 20 minutes to live...