Thursday, April 24, 2014

Let’s Take A Moment & See If I Can Scare The Heck Out Of You

There really are such things as Black Holes. There may be such things as Bottomless Pits. Our 9% Approval Rated Congress is in possession of its own version of such things. Allow me to explain. Here Comes The Scary Part...

America’s electrical grid is vulnerable to an Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack. What the heck is an EMP? It is a nuclear explosion in the high atmosphere that would destroy electrical wiring and hardware across the Good Ole USofA, excluding Alaska & Hawaii.

Why do Alaska & Hawaii get all the breaks? Congress ought to pass a law that they suffer as we suffer.

Did I just hear you say, “That does not sound that bad”? Sometimes my Dear Readers disappoint me. I’ll now try and scare you with more words.

If an EMP attack occurred right now...

  • In our homes we would have no lights or refrigeration.
  • Most of us would be walking everywhere since many cars and gas pumps would be disabled.
  • Our cell phones and iPads may turn on but could not be recharged.
  • Our computers and laptops would not work.
  • Cellular Networks and the Internet will have likely been destroyed.
  • We would have limited water since most of our water is pumped electronically.
  • We would have only the food and bottled water we have stored in our houses—normally about three days worth.
  • Our ability to operate hospitals would be severely limited.
  • The great majority of us would die from lack of food and water, or from diseases associated with lack of sanitation, medicine, and temperature control.
  • We would suffer a general social breakdown.
  • In no time at all there would be a complete absence of civil authority.
  • There would be no good way to prevent our nuclear power plants from melting down, since they require electric power to cool their reactors.

Did that do it? Are you scared? I will now give you hope, but I warn you, I will the snatch that hope away from you.


This EMP phenomenon has been well understood since the 1960s so our Government has been busy addressing the issue... Or has it?

There are workable proposals to harden the electrical grid against damage. The Secure High-Voltage Infrastructure for Electricity from Lethal Damage (or SHIELD) Act has been introduced on June 18, 2013 by Arizona Congressman Trent Franks. The cost would be less than a billion dollars—a drop in the bucket in an economy of over $16 trillion. Yet the bill remains in committee.

I know you have been trained by me to be observant so I know you see the Black Hole/Bottomless Pit... Or do u?

The operative word used to see the problem is “committee”. The real problem is our Congress equates sending something to committee with fixing the problem. I went to D.C. last Thursday and interviewed many members of Congress about this dire situation and here is a sampling of what I got from them...

  • Why are you so concerned about this impending disaster? Don’t you understand it is in committee?
  • Why are you asking me when it will come out of committee? Don’t you know that things do not come out of committee? They just go into committee!
  • Don’t you dare say anything bad about our committees! Don’t you know that committees are the life blood of what we are about? If it were not for committees, we would have to take positions and actually go on record by voting on issues. We would be exposed to the wrath of the voters by allowing them to see us for what we really are.

Did you also take note that I said above that we have been aware of this impending disaster since the 1960s but Congress has not acted until June 18, 2013? Even then it did not really “act” because it only went to committee.

If you have a short memory and can’t remember what it means to Go To Committee, scroll back into this posting and read what I pecked out above about the Congressional Committee System.

What’s that you just said? You just said you don’t have time to scroll back up because you have got to go get dressed so you can go to the polling place to vote back into office your Incumbent Congressman & Senator because they are both Good Guys.

Sometimes I wonder why I bother. Sad smile

Would I kid u?



Lagniappe: If you wanna see if I made all of this up, click here...


Anonymous said...

good points, and that's why it's necessary to be armed and ready to take what you need to survive from those less prepared. I maintain a 3 month supply of potable water and food, but even that would hardly be enough in the case of a real attack.

Anonymous said...

I have heard about this...good information, but scary!!!!