Saturday, February 01, 2014

Am I The Only One Who Understands Good Business Practices?

In an article in the Wall Street Journal I read that across the country companies have been slow to add capacity to meet growing demand as the U.S. economy has picked up but, even when they have added jobs, they often add as few jobs as possible.

The guy who wrote this article seemed to be somewhat confused as to why businesses were not adding more jobs.

This makes perfect sense to the Smartfella. What kind of businessman would be so unwise as to add more jobs than his business can support?

I do not believe a sharp thinking businessman would say something like this, “My business has improved to the point where I can justify hiring 15 new employees, therefore, I have decided to hire 25 additional employees which I know my business can’t support.”

It is the same situation with that $6,000 tax credit some politicians have been touting. What mental business midget would say, “I’m going to hire a $35,000 a year employee that my sales volume can’t support so I can get a $6,000 Tax Credit from the Federal Government. I’m going make this type of action an integral part of my hiring practices and it will make my business prosper for sure!”

Would I kid u?




Mike McMain said...

Obamanomics on display. A fool's errand is always a path destined for failure.

Anonymous said...

Part of the problem is the big o and so many of his top people have never worked for or had any business interest in a for profit company so while all you said is correct they don't know or understand it.