Saturday, January 18, 2014

This Is Not An Attack Upon Our Undocumented Citizens

Undocumented Aliens or is it? Undocumented Immigrants or is it? Undocumented Workers or is it? Undocumented Voters or is it? Undocumented Citizens are in the news enough without my piling on. So I will not use my Silly Pulpit to add pile onto the pile.

What I do wish to do is direct this blog posting’s mind bending analysis at a cautionary tale about common sense or the lack thereof in the Good Ole USofA.

Here is a recent headline in my newspaper...

California Allowing Undocumented Immigrants to Practice Law

California Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye wrote that current immigration policy makes it extremely unlikely that a law abiding individual such as Garcia (the undocumented individual) would be deported.

Under these circumstances, we conclude that the fact that an undocumented immigrant’s presence in this country violates federal statutes is not itself a sufficient or persuasive basis for denying undocumented immigrants, as a class, admission to the State Bar.

I don’t want to be a Quibbler but did you take note of Her Honorable’s Words where she says that the law abiding individual (first paragraph) is violating federal law (second paragraph)? And I’m the one who has the reputation for being silly. Go figure.

Allow me to carry such “thinking” on to its Logical Foolish Conclusion...

  • Vandals broke a bunch of windows in an office building and the court ruled that it was not really a crime because the building had a lot of other windows.
  • Running a stop sign is not a crime because, even if the driver had looked for oncoming cars, there were, in fact, no oncoming cars.
  • Man had 2 wives but the court ruled in his favor because the wives lived in 2 different states that were geographically distant from each other and there was little to no possibility that the 2 wives would run across each other while shopping at the grocery store.

OK I’m done with the silly... Or am I?

One thing is certain. This Undocumented Immigrant Lawyer will certainly be immune from any action against him for Legal Malpractice. If anyone tries to bring any such action against him, he will get away unscathed by simply telling the court, “You can’t bring any Legal Malpractice Action against me because I’m not even a citizen of this country. Have a nice day.”

Case dismissed.

Would I kid u?




Anonymous said...

You really made me laugh! I really enjoyed it!

Anonymous said...

Things get a little more crazy with each passing day. Now we have undocumented lawyers.

Anonymous said...

truth is stranger than fiction.

Anonymous said...

You hit a bases loaded home run on this one.