Monday, November 11, 2013

Going Out On A Limb About What “They” Are Telling Us ... Again

The Lanternfish is a very small glow in the dark organism with huge eyes that is making news because it eats tons of Ocean Plastic. The Smartfella thanks these little fish for being Ocean Litterbugs but he also quibbles with the number of them we are told are out there gobbling up that awful plastic.

I read that there are 660 Million Tons of Lanternfish. Ever skeptical the Smartfella asks, “How do “they” know there are more than 659 Million Tons of Lanterfish?”


Then there is the question of the reported capacity of the stomachs of these 660 million Tons of Lanternfish? “They” estimate that the Lanternfish have eaten 970,000 Metric Tons of plastic. I find this hard to believe also. Even if it is true, how do “they” know the amount eaten is 970,000 Metric Tons? Golly gee, these little fish only grow to a length of up to 6 inches!

On the other hand, 660 million tons of anything could probably accomplish amazing feats of whatever they set their minds to feating about.

Next thing we are going to be told that these little fish glow in the dark by producing light that is given off by tiny organs known as photophores which cause a chemical reaction inside the photophore that gives off light in a chemical process known as bioluminescence.

I’m sure glad “they” did not tell me that... Or did “they” not?

Would I kid u?



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