Tuesday, October 01, 2013

The Consequences Of Losing Your Temper Have Become Dire

My newspaper tells me that a country singer who I have never heard of is in deep trouble for getting mad. To make his situation worse, he dared to get mad at an old person. Allow me to explain...

  • The ill tempered Country Singer has a home on the water.
  • A 70 year old Charter Boat Captain makes a habit of chartering his charter boat past the Country Singer’s home on the water.
  • As he goes by he makes his chartered passengers aware of the famous Country Singers place of residence.
  • It has been reported that the Charter Boat Captain has been known to point his finger at the Country Singer’s abode.
  • The Country Singer did not like the passing and pointing so he shouted at the Charter Boat Captain and his Boat and his Passengers as they floated by.

The problem with floating by an Country Singer’s home and making him an Irate Country Singer is you have to pass back by the Irate Country Singer’s home to get back to where you dock your boat.

This is the point where the plot thickened...

  • The Irate Country Singer got in his boat and followed the Pointing Charter Boat Captain back to his docking place.
  • Once at the docking place the Irate Country Singer shouted at the Charter Boat Captain and threatened to punch him in his old nose (remember his nose was 70 years old).

This is the end of my story about the Charter Boat Captain and the Irate Country Singer... Or is it?

Charges have been brought against the Irate Country Singer. Can you guess what charges have been brought? ... Being a Meanie? ... Threatening? ... Shouting? ... Following?

The Irate Country Singer has been charged with...

Making Terroristic Threats & Abuse of an Elderly Person

Regarding the first charge, Making Terroristic Threats: Does it not seem that the word “terroristic” is thrown around an awful lot these days? Is “terroristic” even a word? What is the difference between threatening to punch a person in the nose and threatening to punch a person in the nose terroristicly? Is “terroristicly” a word? If it’s not, it will be shortly. That’s progress.

Regarding the second charge, Abuse of an Elderly Person: Is shouting at a young person less of an offense than shouting at an elderly person? If so, there ought to be a Federal Law requiring all of us to wear baseball caps that prominently display for all potential shouters exactly what our ages are. That way, when we start to lose it, we can be forewarned that we may be about to commit a really serious crime.

I am not sure just how much trouble our Irate Country Singer is in but I sure hope he is not in as much trouble as that woman who has been sentenced to 20 Years in Prison for Firing a Warning Shot.

There you go again. You are thinking I made up the Firing a Warning Shot Silliness. If you really think I made this one up, Google It!

Would I kid u?



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