Sunday, August 04, 2013

Sometimes I Make Things Up & Sometimes I Don’t

Sometimes I make things up. Sometimes I tell you the absolute truth and you think I made up the truth I told you. Here is one you will accuse me of making up...
I was in a Starbucks the other day with about 40 other Bucksters. As I was soaking up the ambiance I saw a guy who was not reading an electronic device. He stood out like a sore thumb because the other 39 Bucksters were reading, typing on or poking at their electronic devices. Many of them were reading, typing on and poking at more than one electronic device.
There is a growing trend to have multiple electronic thingies surrounding us out there... Tablets, Smartphones and/or Laptops.
Number 40 looked so lost. He looked so alone. He looked so bewildered.
I went up to him to try and help him or at least to understand him. I said, “Why don't you at least read a newspaper?”
He looked at me with a lost, alone and bewildered expression on his face and said, “What's a newspaper?”
I did not make this up but what I actually did was put on my Smartfella Seeing Into The Future Hat and saw into the future.
What I am not certain of is how far I looked into the future. Did I look 20 Years into the future or did I look 10 Years into the future or was I seeing 1 Year into the future?
One thing I can guarantee you, my dear readers is... I was seeing the future.
Would I kid u?
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A nephew in NC is getting married on short two week notice this month. I suggested to my family that we send a congratulatory greeting from those of us in GA via a telegram. A boomer member wrote me asking, “What is a telegram?”