Sunday, August 11, 2013

Petri-Burgers ... Part Two

Yesterday I published my blog about that Petri-Dish Beef Burger on the verge of being eaten in Europe. Yesterday there was also a news article in my local newspaper that would have told me (and you through me) that the burger had already been eaten. I did not read my newspaper yesterday. Please forgive me.

The link to my posting is (if you want to read it as a refresher):

If I had read the news article in a more timely fashion, I would have known that the world has bigger fish to fry about this imitation beef burger. For many Jews, Muslims and Hindus, the first question is whether their faith allows them to eat this kind of beef.

I don’t know much of why the Muslims and Hindus are concerned but my newspaper did explain to me why there is much consternation in the Jewish Community about whether the patty is Kosher or not.

It seems that the Jewish Faith says a beef burger cannot be Kosher unless the cow in question had had its throat slit while it was still conscious. You probably just jumped the gun and shouted at your computer, “Hey Smartfella, there was no cow in that petri-dish to have its throat slit”.

Actually the Stem Cells that were put into that Petri-Dish did come from a cow that was once live. The burning question is, were the stem cells that grew in the Petri-Dish from a cow that was nervously looking left and right at the moment its throat was slit?

The Smartfella is of a mind to say that we really do have bigger fish to fry than this issue. We still have to come to grips with the likes of...

  • What are we going to do about Lindsay Lohan?
  • Should baseball players who do not use Performance Enhancing Drugs be allowed to use flat bats to even things up with those who do use PEDs?
  • Should couples who are not gay be allowed to refer to themselves as married?

I’m sure glad I was destined from birth to be the Smartfella. If I were responsible for seriously addressing such thorny issue as these, I might go off the deep end and start pecking out things that really did not make sense...Or do I?

Would I Kid u?



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