Thursday, August 08, 2013

Cars Banned On Colosseum Street ... Well It’s About Time!

My newspaper tells me that the Mayor of Rome is Pedestrianizing the busy street that cuts through Rome’s Ancient Forum to the Colosseum.

A lot of Romans are mad at him but that’s another story. This Blog Posting is going to concentrate on why my Newspaper thinks this street is Historically Significant.

I am fairly certain that in the long history of Rome there have been some awe-inspiring happenings on Colosseum Street but my Newspaper does not think they are as noteworthy as the one I will tell you about later in this Blog Posting.

Here are a few truly significant historical events that my newspaper overlooked...

  • Remus What’s His Name returned from conquering everything in sight.
  • Camillus the Great marched his troops into the Senate threw out all the bums that he found in there (it just so happened that the number of bums he found was equal to the number of Senators he found in there).
  • Aurelian the Pretty Great made that speech that rallied the people of Rome to go out and put a stop to that Elephant Guy from Africa.

My newspaper does not think that any of the above obviously significant historical events is very important. My newspaper thinks Colosseum Street is most famous for...

...a route immortalized by Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck’s scooter ride in the 1953 film Roman Holiday.

As I have always said...

Everyone Is Entitled To His Own Stupid Opinion & That Includes My Newspaper

Would I kid u?



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is it possible that your newspaper people never took 6th grade history or even watched truly great movies like Ben Hur and Spartacus? Sad. P.