Sunday, July 14, 2013

Now You See Him ... Now You Don’t ... Or Do You Don’t?

My newspaper now is telling us all that there really is an Edward Snowden. He has surfaced and has said he wants to temporarily be allowed to stay in Russia before being mysteriously swished off to somewhere else. It looks like he is going to be in the news for a long time to come.

Personally the Smartfella is relieved. As long as Snowden is out there doing whatever he does while he is out there, we are not being subjected to the comings and goings of Lindsey Lohan.

Until Snowden resurfaced this (below) is what the Smartfella was thinking as he tried to conjure up a Blog Posting about him. As you read through my musings you will see that some of my past concerns are still valid…

News reports kept saying Snowden was actually somewhere. They repeatedly said things like, “He is believed to be holed up in a Transit Lounge at a Moscow Airport”.

Did you notice the big word in the above paragraph? I’m sure you did. It’s the word “a”. “A” is the Indefinite Article and its use by our intrepid reporters meant they were not even sure which airport he was hiding in.

I kept wondering why was it that we did we not have pictures of him in an airport? In our Smartphone Camera World we have pictures of anything and everything as soon as anything or everything happens…

If you set your alarm for 3am and went out into the middle of the street in front of your house on a moonless night and dropped your pants and Mooned the Missing Moon, there would be pictures of you Mooning the Missing Moon on the Internet within 3 minutes.

There were lots of other unanswered questions about Snowden...

  1. Where is he sleeping?
  2. Is he curled up on the floor in the corner of a lounge?
  3. Is he making other lounge visitors/residents mad because he is taking up more space than he should because he is stretched out over two chairs?
  4. Where does he brush his teeth?
  5. Is he surviving on a diet of those little Gold Fish Crackers?
  6. If he is required to buy his own Gold Fish Crackers, where does he get the money to buy those little fellows?

Now you see that what I said about unanswered questions was true. My own opinion is Snowden is furiously working on a book that will be entitled, Wasting Time or How I Made the Entire World Speculate Incessantly About Me While I was Munching on Gold Fish Crackers in an Unnamed Moscow Airport Lounge.

I can’t believe I wrote this blog posting. You can’t believe you read this blog posting. If you are unhappy that you took the time to read this one, go back to the top and not read what you just read.

All of this makes one wonder what Lindsey Lohan is doing.

Would I kid u?



Anonymous said...

amazingly, this blog discusses exactly what I was thinking...really? can you survive in an airport?

Bob said...

Long term living can be done in an airport, probably not very nice but, check out this story of the an Iranian fellow of some years back.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the Russian saw the movie about the guy trying to get in the US and is trapped at the NY airport so he has some comforts. Zimmerman better look into it for himself.