Sunday, March 10, 2013

Pogo said: "We have met the enemy and he is us"

If you don’t know who Pogo was … Google It!

Smartfella said: “We have met the enemy and he is not us. He is those pesky elections.”

Think with me for a moment. Recall how many times you have seen a news article telling you about a riot overseas right after an election had been held. Here is a recent example of which I speak...

“Djibouti: Police battle protestors of election results”

It may surprise you to know that Smartfella does not know where Djibouti is or how to pronounce it. Do not comment on this blog posting telling me to Google It! I’ve gotten this far without knowing such tidbits about Djibouti and I have determined I can make it the rest of the way not knowing. I don’t have to know everything.

In the Middle East and the Far East the news articles seem to be coming out of Word Processors with little changed from the news articles that came out of those Word Processors immediately after the prior election...

  • Riots in the streets
  • Demands for a new election
  • Claims that the election was rigged
  • Demands for a recount 
  • Claims of cronyism

All of these bad things occurred even though Jimmy Carter, his clip board in hand, was present at every polling place in each country. Jimmy is amazing!

Since we seem to have so much money lying around, our Federal Government ought to use some of it to help these various governments deal with this growing discontent.

If we were forward thinking like this, we would then have firsthand experience handling our own Post Election Riots when they come on the scene.

Did I just hear you say that I am exaggerating? Well, of course, I am ... Or am I?


Better More Efficient Dictators...

To be perfectly honest about the Dictators we have seen come and go, they have gotten a bad rap because they often were not very good at how they went about their dictating duties.

Some say they get themselves into such dire straits because they simply lack training. Here is where we could help. We could borrow some money from China and use it to set up Dictator Community Colleges and help these dastardly people hone their skills before they actually come to power.

Do you know why I said we had “so much money lying around” in that above paragraph? That’s because... We are excellent borrowers.


Better Election Rigging Equates To Happier People...

Those of you who have been reading my blogs for a while would probably give me some credit for being able to peck out some clearly laid out trains of thought. When it comes to the subject of Election Rigging I will not even attempt to gather and type out my thoughts. I will simply reproduce the words of a really sharp U.S. State Department Official that I heard speak on this issue yesterday...

“If only these governments were better at how they go about rigging their elections, their people would not take to the streets as they now do because they would be completely duped into thinking that their elected leaders were really not the Crum Bums they actually are.”


I know you will agree with me when I say how glad I am that we don’t rig elections in the Good Ole USofA.

On the other hand, after looking back on our State Department Official’s comments above, I am not so sure of what I thought I was sure about before I read his words.

Would I kid u?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our State Dept, one we can be proud of......I mean "at this point, what difference does it make? Right?