Friday, March 22, 2013

Negotiating With The Taliban

I find it hard to understand why there is so much talk about Negotiating with the Taliban. How exactly would such a dialog proceed?

The crying need for clarifications of this type is the reason the Smartfella invented himself. Here is what the opening statement at a Taliban “Negotiation” from those sitting opposite the Taliban would sound like...

I understand and accept the fact that your strongly held beliefs are that you want to kill all those who oppose your strongly held beliefs.

Can we not come to some common ground here?

How about setting your sites a little lower?

Would you consider only killing 60% of those who do not agree with everything you advocate?

In the interest of compromise, could you not see your way to acquiescing to this rather small percentage and later we can talk about a number closer to your true Objective of 100%?

Would I kid u?


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Somehow what I think the smartfella meant for jest is truly the basis for the U.S. negotiation policy. The only other plan would be "please stop killing until we leave then you may resume killing all you want."