Thursday, January 17, 2013

What’s Sillier The Petition Or The Answer To The Petition?

Our present White House has established the We the People Petition Process. It is supposed to give all Americans a way to engage their government on the issues that matter to them.

It sounds worthwhile. It sounds noble. It sounds like it is the kind of thing that would make our Founding Fathers proud...Or would it?

After a certain number of signatures are received, administration people are assigned to write up a formal response. These assigned responders are either very angry to have to waste their time writing these responses or are having a hard time keeping from laughing as they try to make their response letter sound as if they really think the petitioners are not idiots.

There have now been enough petitions that are downright silly that we ought to cancel this Foolishness and, as Bill Clinton, was want to say, “Get on with the work of the American people”.

Some of the petitions are so foolish that even the Smartfella would have no part of them...

  • Let El Paso secede from Texas and become part of New Mexico.
  • Ask Governor Jerry Brown to Give California Ferret Owners a Fair Hearing.
  • Deport everyone that signed a petition to secede.
  • Let Atlanta secede from Georgia if Georgia secedes from the United States.

If the above are not enough evidence for the need to cancel this program, try this one on for size...

Star Wars Geeks have asked the Obama Administration to build a Death Star

The Death Star petitioners argued the project would create jobs and strengthen national defense.

The head of the White House Budget Office’s Science and Space Branch had to respond on behalf of the White House. For the love of heaven I hope this man had better things to do than peck out the White House’s Official Position on this silliness.

Here are some of the things he had to say...

  • The Administration shares your desire for job creation and a strong national defense, but a Death Star isn’t on the horizon.
  • The Administration does not support blowing up planets.
  • The construction of the Death Star has been estimated to cost $850,000,000,000,000,000. We are working hard to reduce the deficit, not expand it.

Heck if I knew how to say all these zeros in words but I did hear on the radio that $850,000,000,000,000,000 is called 850 Quadrillion Dollars.

I wonder if China has 850 Quadrillion Dollars lying around that they could loan us?

Would I kid u?

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