Wednesday, November 28, 2012

In The Spirit Of Compromise

There is much talk in Washington these days about the need to reach Consensus on the many issues that our “leaders” have been haggling over for a long time. The word Compromise is in vogue.

If you do not know what Compromise means to the warring factions in Congress, I will try to enlighten you. In the Official Congressional Dictionary the word Compromise is defined as...

Compromise is achieved when the idiots on the other side of the aisle agree to give in to your logical arguments and consents to give you somewhere between 75% and 100% of what you have been rightfully demanding.

Please allow me to give you an example of Compromise using irrefutable logic.

Let’s abandon the Congressional Definition above and say the Compromise in my example is a Meet Exactly in the Middle Compromise. If you are smarter than a Fifth Grader you will not need your calculator to follow along as we Compromise our way to a Congressional Consensus.

Let talk taxes...

  • The side that wants higher taxes demands a certain percentage increase in taxes.
  • The side that does not want higher taxes agrees to compromise and consents to meet half way.
  • The next time it is convenient to bring up the subject of tax increases the side that wants higher taxes demands a certain percentage increase in taxes.
  • The side that does not want higher taxes agrees to compromise and consents to meet half way.

Need I add more bullets? Let us just say that this demand for higher taxes and compromise settlement goes on and on through an unlimited number of cycles...

It does not give me the least bit of solace to know that mathematically taxes will never get to 100%.

How about you? Does that make you feel better? If it does, you are not smarter than a Fifth grader.

I can just hear members of our Congress poking holes in the air on the floors of their respective chambers saying…

“My Fellow Americans, we did not take it all. You have some left.”

Would I kid u?

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