Thursday, September 13, 2012

Undeniable Everyday Facts Of Life

Pills Have Eyes...
Ø If you drop a pill on the floor, it will roll under the most difficult object to retrieve it back from.
Ø Pills do have limitations because they cannot roll indefinitely but they will definitely roll directly to the hardest place to get them back from that is within their rolling radius.
Ø The more expensive the pill is the further it will roll under the hard to retrieve from place.

Men Are Different From Women...
Ø More men than women drop their smart phones in the toilet.
Ø Do you understand why that is?
Ø If you don’t, think about it for a second or two, it will come to you.

Sand Crawls...
Ø Everyone who has been to the beach for a picnic knows that sand crawls.
Ø What some of you may not fully realize is how quickly sand crawls.
Picture This In Your Mind’s Eye (Whatever that is)
You go out on the beach with your picnic basket full of wonderful picnic stuff...
Ø Of course, there are ham sandwiches in there.
Ø You set up your picnic very quickly because you are desperate to get those ham sandwiches before it is too late.
Ø You frantically spread out your blanket, open your lawn chair, sit down and grab a ham sandwich to take your first delicious bite.
Ø It does not take too many chews to realize that you did not act fast enough.
Ø There is sand inside your ham sandwich.

Crawling sand is why I have always preferred mountain vacations because bears never crawl inside ham sandwiches.

Would I kid u?


Anonymous said...

Your history of blogs is quite impressive!

Anonymous said...

Let's go to the beach without taking lunch?

Anonymous said...

Crawling sand??? Wow, I never knew.