Friday, July 20, 2012

It’s All Over But The Shouting or You Can Stop Paddling Now

In the world of politics all is lost. We have gone over the waterfall and no amount of paddling can get us back up to the top of the falls. The Wheels Are Off The Wagon is what we used to say at American Motors when I working there (in the process of rising to the height of my mediocre career).

Have I properly set you up to read on? I sure hope so because this is important stuff...Or is it?

I was watching a politician “perform” recently and his words hit me like a ton of bricks.

Here I go getting sidetracked again...

Don’t you just hate it when a Talking Head refers to a just completed speech as a “performance”? A political speech should not be categorized as a performance. A performance is what actors do. Acting is not reality. George Burns once said, Sincerity is the most important part of acting. If you can fake sincerity, you are a good actor.

I am now officially back from my sidetrack. Here is what concerns me about this politician’s “performance”.

In the past politicians would always try and cover up for lies by doing one or all of the following...

  • Say they did not say whatever they said.
  • Say they were taken out of context.
  • Try to explain what they meant by what they said.
  • Tell another lie.

When this politician (the performing one mentioned above) was confronted with his untruth, he simply looked the confronter in the eye and said with a smile on his lying face, “Well you know politicians say lots of thing they don’t mean”.

There it is. There is the turning point. There is no going back up the waterfall. This politician has so little respect for and/or has no fear of the voter that he is no longer going to pretend to be truthful.

The late great Howard Cosell made the phrase “Tell It Like It Is” famous. If this politician held himself to Ole Howard’s truthfulness principle, we would not be where we are today but he does not and we are where we are.

Would I kid u?

NOTE: Don’t blame me… BlogSpot (Google) is responsible for those ads at the bottom of my Foolishness.

1 comment:

Ludwig said...

Two thumbs up!
Maybe other politicians will come clean and show their disrespect for their constituents more openly. After all, only the money trough matters to them.
I would have clicked the Like or Plus button if I had found it.