Sunday, June 24, 2012

I Support Violence!

The “I” above is not the Smartfella. That “I” belongs those among us who defend violence when it is committed by people who think the way the defenders of violence think we all ought to think.

Now that I have you completely confused, I will peck on...

The Freedom from Union Violence Act was proposed in both the House of Representatives and the Senate and was passed unanimously in each chamber within minutes.

The above paragraph is not true. It ought to be true but it is not true and the bill has never passed.

The Smartfella does not claim to have all the answers (or does he?) and he admits this is one of those times he is completely baffled.

From Wikipedia...

The Freedom from Union Violence Act of 1997[1] and 2007[2] were identical bills proposed in the United States Congress. Their intended purpose was to amend the Hobbs Act and make violence committed in pursuit of labor union goals a federal crime.

You read correctly. The Freedom from Union Violence Act is not new because it was first proposed 15 years ago. It was again proposed 5 years ago.

The bills faced strong opposition from labor unions and others and failed to pass into law both times.

Just when I get to the point where I think I know what a No Brainer is, I find out that there are No Brainers out there that prove to me that I know nothing about No Brainers.

Would I kid u?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ya just gotta love those labor unions! I was a member of one once and saw up close the violence and corruption of the CWA. No not the commie workers of America but the Communication Workers of America.. Sound similar but different...or are they?