Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Why Pass Meaningful Legislation When Gimmickry Will Do The Trick?

I saw an article in the newspaper today that was headlined as follows,

“Gimmicks Could Help Rescue Deficit Talks”

Wow! Think about this for a minute. Instead of passing legislation that could truly make a difference, our 9% Approval Rating Congress is spending it’s time figuring out how they can trick us into thinking that they did something of importance.

Here is a Foolish Example (Or is it)...

Your boss calls you into his lavish corner office and thanks you for all your hard work and tells you that a grateful company is giving you a 15% raise. Considering the present dire economic circumstances, however, the raise will not be included in your paycheck’s automatic deposit each month.

He explains that this is a Win Win for all concerned... You get a raise and the company does not have to give you any extra money.

My Foolish juices are flowing and you know what that means...

In your mind’s eye picture these points made in an address in Congress by Senator Foghorn...

Ø Having first been elected to the Senate at the age of 7 he is now in his 6th decade of service to the folks back home.

Ø There is no need to pass legislation that will address the ever-expanding federal deficit in any meaningful way because the folks back home will never understand the legalize in which it is written (members of Congress do not understand it either) and/or the simple-minded folks are too busy watching Dancing With the Stars.

Ø  As has so often worked in the past, Gimmickry is the way to proceed.

Ø The basic premise of his present obfuscation plan is to claim credit for the money that will not be spent in Afghanistan and Iraq for the next 50 years plus any other wars that we will not get into during this period of time to declare the budget balanced.

There it is. It makes perfect sense. The folks back home will fall for it for sure. They always do.

It gives us folks a great deal of comfort to know that their 9% Approval Rating Congress is on the job and watching out for our well being ... Or does it?

Would I kid u?


NOTE: Don’t blame me… BlogSpot (Google) is responsible for those ads at the bottom of my Foolishness.

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