Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Sometimes I Am So Observant I Scare Myself

Yesterday I published a blog about my Country Commissioners taking a year to come up with an Ethics Policy.

The question I asked my County Leaders was simply, “What Took You Guys So Long?

Today’s question could be, "What Took You Guys So Longer?

This morning’s headline in my newspaper is, “Board delays vote on new ethics law”.

I could make a snide remark about the fact that at yesterday’s commission meeting two commissioners wore Witches Hats as they sat their seats. My newspaper said they wore the hats “in honor of the upcoming Halloween holiday”. Here I go again. In “honor of”? …  I guess I don’t understand that word either.

The reason given for the new delay is they are worried about “unintended consequences”. I could very easily write a new blog about this new delay but I won’t … Or will I? … Or did I?

Would I kid u?


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