Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Root Cause Of England’s Problems

I read in my local newspaper the following…

Prison authorities said they faced an "unprecedented situation" and were working on emergency plans to boost capacity "should further pressure be placed on the prison estate”.

Do you now see what the problem is over there in England? Those awful people went out and looted, broke things, beat up and mugged people and Scotland Yard put them up in estates.

I hear some of those Country Estates over there can be pretty nice.

Would I kid u?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe the Brits have found the solution to crime! We spend all this money over here building wonderful prison systems that can re-habilitate our criminals yet they don't appreciate those big flat screen TVs etc. What if we put them up in our empty Country estaes like Biltmore? Maybe they would'nt rob, rape and kill anymore cus they would be living like the British aristocracy? Just Wundrin