Tuesday, August 02, 2011

I Have Discovered Where All The Money Is Going & Why It Is Going So Fast

I just got back from Washington DC. I really tried to get this startling information over the Telephone or via the Internet but I ran up against a stone wall that required me to go to DC and demand I be told the truth.

Without the Freedom of Information Act and my asking Bruce Willis to go with me, I never would have been granted access to this heavily guarded secret. (I can tell you this for sure, those Bureaucrats sure were afraid of Bruce.)

Are you ready? I warn you this is going to make you real mad but it will also explain one of the many things you have always been unable to understand about the inner workings of Congress.

We have always been told that members of our Congress are paid a salary. This is not true! They are actually on a Spoken Word Volume Incentive Payment Plan that pays them 5 cents for every word they speak in carrying out their responsibilities.

Under this generous reimbursement plan not only do their financial rewards pile up at a dramatic rate but they are given double credit for certain key words and phrases like: “My friend on the other side of the aisle”, “Comprehensive” and “Folks”.

Now that I have told you what’s going on up there in the halls of Congress, it is encumbered upon each of you to demand a change. Knowing that politics is a process, we can’t expect to make this all go away overnight. I recommend that we at least petition Congress to stop the Double Credit Incentive. Later we can get organized to mount our campaign to get them to give up this entire Spoken Word Volume Incentive Payment Plan.

Then we can put in its place a Regular Ole Salaried Payment Plan to pay them their true worth, $3,200 a year. Even $3,200 may be a stretch but they are worth something are they not? ... Or are they?

As a result of the enlightenment that you have been exposed to in this Foolishness…Or Is It?, you now know several bits of information about your Congressmen and Senators that you did not know before you were exposed…

  • Why they fight so hard to get into Congress.
  • Why they talk so much.
  • Why they say the same things over and over.
  • Why they leave office a lot wealthier than when they came into office.

Would I kid u?

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