Monday, July 18, 2011

A Short While Back She Was Unknown But Now She Is Pippa!

What a Pippa? Who is the Pippa?

Pippa is the sister of the new British Princess who just married that William prince guy.

Little sister Pippa used to be a nobody but now she is a somebody and, before it’s over, she may wish she never become a somebody.

She Wears Clothes…

Actually Reported In The British News: Her Royal Hotness (“Hotness” … That’s cute! The media is so cute.) Pippa Middleton was spotted in the Kensington neighborhood of London today in a navy striped dress, leather jacket and coordinating accessories!

Actually Commented On By The Smartfella?: Notice she was not “seen”. She was “spotted”. It’s like she was running away from Scotland Yard. Worst of all, she was spotted wearing clothes!

She Went To A Tennis Match…

Actually Reported In The British News: Pippa Middleton and boyfriend Alex Loudon looked cozy as could be when they attended Wimbledon together on Wednesday.

Actually Commented On By The Smartfella?: Not only was she at Wimbledon but she looked cozy.

Clothes Again…

Actually Reported In The British News: Pair your Pippa-style clothes with a Pippa-styled face: warm complexion complemented with smoky eyes, nude lips, and rose-colored blush.

Actually Commented On By The Smartfella?: Can you believe she was out in public with no clothes on her lips?

Oh My Gosh! She Drinks Coffee…

Actually Reported In The British News: Pippa Middleton picked up a cup of coffee to go from Starbucks on Thursday in London, England.

Actually Commented On By The Smartfella?: Oh my gosh! Can you believe that she drinks coffee? Not only does she drink it but she also picks it up. Nothing about her is too trivial to not be reported on.

I had a fear, before I wrote my book, that I would become famous and I would lose my privacy. That fear proved groundless since only you and I know about my book. It won’t be long before Pippa will be wishing that her only call to fame was that she had written a book called, Foolishness…Or Is It? and then no one would care about her coffee drinking.

Would I kid u?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How did they know where she was to be able to see and make these comments. Obviously her phone was tapped by those ruthless villans at News of the World. They will do anything to get a scoop like this!