Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Where Do They Get All That Money To Build Those Fancy Casinos?

This Foolishness…Or Is It? is not about the blowing up of the Mississippi River Levee in Missouri. It actually is about something I read in an article about the levee blowup. At first it looked like Foolishness. I make it a practice to make light of Foolishness but this one is truly sad.

The article said that down the river and into the state of Mississippi there was another problem. A local official was quoted as saying that the high water in the river had caused nine casinos on barges to close. He went on to say, “That can kill a community like ours. It’s our number-one revenue source”.

It appears that the Downstream Folks are working hard to make money and the Gambling Industry Folks and the Local Taxing Authority Folks are working hard to take their money. The hard working downstream folks are putting on their Vietnamese jeans made with Egyptian cotton and going to the casinos to get rid of their money, a.k.a. “Revenue Source”. They used to deposit their money in a bank but now they deposit their money in a casino.

Once again I offer a solution. If these downstream folks are running out of money what we need is to get someone to raise their debt limit. That ought to make it all better.

Would I kid u?

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