Saturday, April 16, 2011

Congress Can Stop Spending All That Money If They Only Would Listen To Me

They are going at it hot and heavy up in our beloved congress about how to stop spending all the money we don’t have. The negotiations have progressed to this point...

“We all agree that we have to stop spending all this money we don’t have.”

1. This is progress because congress has now come to an understanding about what the problem truly is.

2. The next step is to agree on what spending needs to be cut.

3. The bad news is #2 above will never happen.

As usual I do not just present problems without proposing solutions. The solution is so simple you are going to kick yourself for not thinking of it without my help...

The cuts need to come from all other congressional districts other than your congressman’s congressional district.

I told you it was a simple solution.

Would I kid u?

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