Thursday, March 31, 2011

The World Is Going To Hell In A Hand Basket (Whatever That Means) & Then We Have The World Of Miss Manners

Here is a list of just a few things wrong with the world in which we are required to live…

  • Terrorism is blowing up people on a daily basis.
  • There is great hunger out there.
  • Diseases are rampant and, in many cases, we have no clue as to how to cure them.
  • The United Nations was invented to stop all wars but, since its inception, there have been many wars (a.k.a. Police Actions, Conflicts, Overseas Contingency Operations, Nation On Nation Quarrels, etc.).
  • The world community has tried its best but has been unable to stem the flow of funny looking hats to Muammar Gaddafi.            Gadaffi     FuzzyGadaffi

In the midst of all this consternation we have Gentle Reader and her Baby’s First Birthday Issues. Here is her letter to Miss Manners which clearly lays out her predicament…

Dear Miss Manners:

When my baby was first born, I signed her thank-you notes with my husband's and my names. My husband says I should sign her first birthday present thank-yous with her name.

I feel kind of stupid doing this, and writing things like "I look adorable in my new dress" instead of "She looks adorable in her new dress." Also, do I address the cards to her baby friends or to their parents?

Miss Manners is more polite than I am but, if I were Miss Manners (thank heaven I’m not), I would have written Mommie back saying, “Please see to it that you or your baby refrain from ever writing me again. I have more critical Proper Place Setting Issues with which to contend”.

Would I kid u?


Ludwig said...

My suggestion would have been to just give the kid a crayon and let her do her cards. Kids that age know the proper etiquettes better than grownups. By age two we normally have started to cure them.

Anonymous said...

Miss Manners understands that her function is to help people with these awkward social questions. Who else should this mommie write to? P.