Friday, December 24, 2010

Don’t They Have Anything Better To Do?

Is there an answer to the subject question of this Foolishness…Or Is It?  Yes there is an answer. It is a very loud and emphatic, You bet there is!. The problem is I seem to be the only person who knows that answer.

What the heck am I talking about? Again it involves our elected representatives. I hope I’m not getting into a rut here but the Foolishness just keeps flowing out of the Halls Of Congress. Please, allow me to explain…

My research tells me that, during the reign of the Congress that just concluded, our representatives took valuable time to issue hundreds of Congressional Commendations (they do this during the reign of every congress). I tried to research just how many had been promulgated during 2010 but I could not pin it down. A few days ago I heard a Talking Head say that it was 700 but I could not verify that figure on the Internet. Therefore, I will not say it was 700 because, I may be Foolish, but I try to be accurate about my Foolishness. Let’s just say it was a whole bunch.

What I did find out while doing my research was Congress Commended such silly things as (three examples)…

  1. A female Little League baseball player who did good.
  2. Any number of people whose major accomplishment in life appears to have been that they lived long enough to become old.
  3. Acknowledged the man who established the first bakery on Saipan after American troops successfully defeated Japanese forces in 1944.

The problem is the cart is before the horse here. If these Commendations were something that happened at the end of a Congressional Session after all important business had been concluded, I would not have been inspired to concoct this Foolishness. The sad news is we just concluded a congressional Lame Duck Session that was cram packed with really important legislation.

Somewhere back in the prior eleven months that this congress was in session they found time to do umpteen Congressional Commendations. Then at the very end of the session they got around to a whole bunch of the “really important” stuff. This really important stuff was hammered together in a wild, cantankerous, finger pointing filled, up against the Christmas Break and full frenzied couple of weeks.

If you are one who spends his day watching the ESPAN channels and you see a member of our 9% Approval Rating Congress step to the podium and say, “I rise today in recognition of…”, use those words as your signal to take a nap, got to the rest room or go get a beer. If you stay in your chair, you are going to waste your time watching one of our members of congress waste his time.

Would I kid u?

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