Wednesday, November 03, 2010

That Was Then ... This Is Now

本日のお昼ご飯。てりたま。 I read in my newspaper recently where a manager in a McDonald's in Brazil has successfully sued his employer for a 65 pound weight gain he experienced over the twelve years he was employed as a manager. The court paid him $17,500.

He contended in his suit that he was forced (notice the use of the word “forced”) to eat the food from his restaurant each day in order to ensure quality standard remained high. He felt great pressure from McDonald’s because it hired “mystery clients” to randomly visit the restaurant he managed to report on food, service and cleanliness (notice how he almost makes this mystery shopping sound evil).

Oh, by the way, he did not have to pay for the food he ate.

The Smartfella? is able to see into the future. I knew this law suit was coming the day he was hired twelve years ago. In anticipation of this day, I had a dentist friend of mine in Brazil implant a solar powered electronic bug in this guy’s left front tooth. During these twelve years I recorded him saying 323,667 times... What a great place to work! I love it here! The best part is I don’t have to pay for any of the food I eat!

Now fatso sits on the witness stand and says he was “forced” to eat all that yummy food.

I wonder if he had been employed as a Hangman, and he had been told he could hang himself as often as he wanted, how many times he would have stretched his rope in order to ensure that he was a quality hangman.

I sure glad I live in the good ole USofA where our society is not as law suit happy as they are in Brazil... Or are we?

Would I kid u?
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